This is a summary on how to best work with me.

  1. Feedback: If you want feedback on a draft, share me on a Google Doc and make sure I'm an editor. Don’t share long drafts over slack, email, pdf, Docx or doc on Google drive - Google doc where I can just in and edit is preferred.

  2. Feedback: If you want feedback on a draft, share me on a Google Doc and make sure I'm an editor. Don’t share long drafts over slack, email, pdf, Docx or doc on Google drive - Google doc where I can just in and edit is preferred.

  3. Feedback: If you want feedback on a presentation, ideally add me to a Google Slides presentation where I'm an editor. It’s inefficient to give feedback on pdf’s, keynotes, or ppt. If you use some other app, send me a pdf (but it’s less ideal than Google slides)

  4. Office hours: The best way to schedule office hours with me is by requesting it on bookface. Please fill out the topic/question when you request office hours. Often I can often answer the question over slack/Whatsapp and you don’t have to wait 4-5 days for office hours.

  5. Office hours: A good office hours has a clear agenda and ideally the primary topic is what is blocking the team from moving faster at any given point. Office hours are usually 30 min so I like to get straight into the problem you are dealing with.

  6. Office hours: If you want feedback on metrics/funnels/conversion/outbound sales, please have your email metrics/amplitude/mixpanel/event tracking etc ready. I love digging into actual data. Without data it’s hard to solve any problems in my experience.

  7. Do you need to ask me in advance about requesting office hours? No. If I think I can help resolve the topic outside of office hours I will email you/slack you before the office hours

  8. Do you need to tell me you just requested office hours? No - I get an automatic email and I send out office hours slots every 3-4 days. The are sent to the email you have registered on bookface

  9. Intros: If I promised to do an intro, email me a 3-6 sentence company blurb about your company and mention at the top of the email who you want me to intro you to. Do this for each of the companies I promised I introduce you to.

  10. Intros: If you want to see if I know people you would like to get in touch with, please add me on linkedin or share me with your google spreadsheet of those you are looking for intros to - make sure i’m an editor to the spreadsheet.

  11. When should I not text/Whatsapp you? Late-nights and weekends if the topic is not super-duper-urgent. Use slack if you are in a recent batch. My Whatsapp inbox fills up fast and non-urgent topics will get bumped below my fold fast and I’m likely to forget about them. Therefor, only text/Whatsapp me about topics I can instantly feedback on.

  12. Have any comments/questions/feedback on this? Please add a comment or shoot me an email